Salt Research is “a cultural institution that develops innovative programs to create a free platform for encounters, research, and expression for its users and visitors.” (original page in Turkish). This photograph of children on the street of Istanbul in the 1980s is part of an album of photographs and historical postcards which looks at Turkish street life from the 1850s to the 1990s.
It is fun to look for clues in a historical photograph to determine if it is from the 1920s, the 1950s or the 1980s.
Some images are less difficult to place, like this photograph with visible horse and carriage from the 1900s or this picnic scene from 1865.
We’ve also got stories about Irish folktales, UFO Desks, epic kayaking, caravaning over Christmas, Washington DC oddities and history, decorated war pigeons, community-based photo id-ing, meeting some photographers, prisoners-turned-artists, tattooing in the 1930s, aviatrices, books in motion, a cool bell, surprise celebrities, and, of course, cat pictures.
All part of Flickr Commons’ sixteenth birthday.